By providing an excellent academic curriculum, offering a variety of extra-curricular activities, and assembling a caring, culturally diverse community, we, with support of parents and local churches, empower students from Christian families to develop their gifts within the context of a Reformed Christian worldview so that they can act as Christ’s transforming agents in a global society.
In pursuing the character of Christ, we will:
Through loving and serving God and our neighbor, we will:
As a Reformed educational institution, we believe that God is sovereign over all creation. We make a connection to God’s claim in every subject, not just in biblical studies or chapel; in all behavior, including language, dress; and in all attitudes, including those toward others and toward property. The overall purpose of an Eastern Christian education, shaped by this Reformed perspective, is to encourage students to use their heads, hearts and hands for God and to use discernment to create a worldview that is formed through the lens of faith.
We believe that this is not a throw-away world; God will renew it rather than destroy it. This makes all actions to improve life on earth worthwhile. It makes us also recognize that all children are made in the image of God and are worthy of our best teaching efforts, regardless of learning style. Our responsibility is to educate each child to the best of his/her ability and help each child recognize the gifts that s/he possesses.
We believe that the line between good and evil runs through people and organizations, rather than around them. No person or no thing is absolutely evil or absolutely good. The world cannot be divided into good and bad guys. We all fall short of the glory of God. Education, therefore, through the action of the Holy Spirit, always appeals to the heart, and has as its purpose to lead students to follow Christ actively.
We believe, therefore, that the spirit must be nurtured so that the students gain self-confidence in discovering the gifts that God has given them. The development of discernment that results from self-confidence and recognition of spiritual gifts sets the tone and community of the school.
Just as the discovery and use of God-given gifts nurture the spirit of the individual and the school, we believe that this self-knowledge also produces the desire to share those gifts with others and to provide leadership for the community and for the world.
This is appropriate, for we believe that Christ, through the agency of human beings, wants to restore everything in the world to His definition of how it should be. We, therefore, engage culture, familiar and unfamiliar, and do so in the confidence that God is in control.
Utilizing Biblically informed inquiry and strong academic knowledge, an Eastern Christian graduate will think critically, exhibit curiosity and develop the discernment that will enable him/her to confidently and intentionally strive for excellence in every endeavor.
Having studied the message of Jesus Christ and having experienced models of Christian servanthood in community, the Eastern Christian graduate develops a healthy self image. Recognizing and responding to the will of God, and seeing in humanity the image of God, the graduate embraces diversity, exhibits compassion, offers respect, and is forgiving and open to others.
The Eastern Christian graduate is prepared to be a person of Christian vision and influence and seeks to contribute cooperatively and responsibly to God’s mission of renewing all of creation.